Unraveling the Power of Elasticsearch Ingest Pipelines

Onur Uzun
2 min readMar 25, 2024



In the realm of big data and search technology, Elasticsearch has emerged as a leading open-source, distributed search and analytics engine. A particularly powerful feature within this platform is the Ingest Pipeline, which primarily allows for data transformation and enhancement before it gets indexed. This article aims to explore the concept, functionality, and implementation of Elasticsearch Ingest Pipelines.

Understanding Elasticsearch Ingest Pipelines

In its most basic form, an Ingest Pipeline is a series of processors that are used to perform transformations on data before indexing it in Elasticsearch. Each processor within an ingest pipeline serves a specific purpose, transforming the data in a unique way. Processors can be used to remove, add, or change fields in a document or even manipulate the document’s content itself.

The Essence of Processors

Processors are crucial components of Elasticsearch ingest pipelines. There are more than 30 built-in processors, including set, rename, remove, convert, and date, among others. A set processor, for example, can set the value of a field in a document, while a remove processor can remove a field from a document. Each processor carries out its respective operation on the incoming document, and then the document is passed to the next processor in the sequence.

Consider this simple pipeline example

PUT _ingest/pipeline/my_pipeline
"description": "simple pipeline example",
"processors": [
"set": {
"field": "_source.my_field",
"value": "value1"
"remove": {
"field": "_source.remove_field"

In this example, my_pipeline sets the value of my_field to "value1" and removes the remove_field from the document.

The Role of Ingest Nodes

In an Elasticsearch cluster, any node can be an ingest node, allowing it to execute an ingest pipeline, transform the data, and index it. Data can be ingested via Beats, Logstash, or the Elasticsearch REST API, among other methods.

Practical Implementation of an Ingest Pipeline

When creating an ingest pipeline, the main steps involve defining the pipeline with a unique ID, adding processors, and finally, executing the pipeline on incoming data.

A practical example of an ingest pipeline might involve converting a timestamp from a log file to a readable Elasticsearch date format. Here’s a basic implementation:

PUT _ingest/pipeline/timestamp_pipeline
"description": "Convert timestamp to a readable format",
"processors": [
"date": {
"field": "_source.timestamp",
"formats": [

In this pipeline, timestamp_pipeline, a date processor converts the Unix timestamp into a format Elasticsearch understands.


The Elasticsearch ingest pipeline is a powerful tool for data transformation and enhancement before indexing. By allowing data to be modified before it is stored, ingest pipelines provide a flexible and efficient way to ensure that data is in the optimal format for querying and analysis.

